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Fralin P-90 Pickups

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$100 ea.


Gibson’s classic single coil is known for big mid-range when used clean, and chainsaw grind when pushing an amp hard.

This pickup comes with adjustable poles, ALNICO bar magnets and a choice of covers: Soapbar or Dogear, Black or Cream.

You also have a choice of Gibson style braided leads or two conductor shielded leads for versatility. Wound with 42 Plain Enamel wire to specs, from 20% under to 10% over. (Because stock P-90’s have 10,000 turns we use the number of turns instead of an ohm reading for model options. We also recommend 10%-15% difference between neck and bridge.)

My own ES125 has 15% under neck and stock bridge. Our P-90 set has a reverse wound bridge for hum canceling when two pickups are on.